Unloading one man's crap onto the entire world...

Monday, October 23, 2006

24 Hour Online Banking. My Ass.

- Trashed by SampahMan @ 12:19 AM

Bank online, anytime. How often has a bank's marketing department came up with such a tag line to promote their online banking services.
So that tells me that I can log in anytime of the day to do my banking. Anytime. Anywhere. As long as Streamyx is not facing connection problems of cuz.

My RHB Bank SecureCard has a slogan. "ibank.online.everytime".

So why is it when I try to log in after 12am, every fucking time, I see the same fucking messages?

*Check out RHB's URL. After11.htm. Lame.

I just wonder, if I am halfway across the world, I figure I'll just have to make sure I calculate what time it is in Malaysia so that I don't have to access my account during such IMPORTANT scheduled maintenance.

Anyway, since it's just a local bank with no global/regional aspirations, I guess they don't have the same resources as to compete with Citibank (who, truly keeps to their word and allows me 24 hour access to my account).

Mamak stalls put you to shame, you cheap-ass banks.