Unloading one man's crap onto the entire world...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Cyberjaya to KL - Moving My Home

- Trashed by SampahMan @ 12:59 AM

Follow-up to How to deal with change: Workplace moving to a different city

To cut the story short, I will be moving homes in the middle of July. Will be moving to Dataran Prima, which is at the Kelana Jaya area. I've rented a room in a 3 room condo, and the rent is almost double what I am paying now. By staying there, my choices of commuting to work has been vastly improved, since I can just take the rail. In fact, driving there isn't such a bad idea either, so I plan to take the LRT (Light Rail Transit) most of the time, and drive when I'm in the mood (or if I have any after-work activities).
So yes, back to my future home, it's a medium sized room, with absolutely NOTHING at all, except a ceiling fan. So, for the next month, I will be pretty broke having to procure furniture. In fact, I've already set eyes on some stuff from IKEA, but the stuff there ain't exactly cheap. In fact, mad shark tells me that Puchong has a few furniture shops that sell pretty decent stuff. Thing is that, there are quite a number of furniture shops there, I have no idea where to start. Can someone start me off?

Basically, I would need:
  • Wardrobe
  • Single bed mattress, with optional frame (considering a sofa-bed, but I would have to sell my balls to afford them)
  • Shelves (I've already found my dream shelf at IKEA. If you have the 2006 catalog, it's pg. 62, Enetri shelving unit.)
  • TV stand, with space for my DVD player and PS2.
  • Work desk. This has to be compact enough. Something like pg. 142 or pg. 152 (Mikael)
If I had gotten all of the above from IKEA, I would be rm2000 poorer at the end of the day. Therefore, I wouldn't mind considering 2nd hand goods either, so if you know a deal or two, shout out :)
In fact, there are 2nd-hand furniture notices pasted around IKEA, perhaps I should start with those too.

the shelf at pg. 62 and the Mikael at pg 152 are pretty cool. let me help u figuring out what to get at prices u can afford, ok!? ;)
posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:43 AM   
Hey KEnny!! Thanks for FINALLY posting! I almost lost hope in you... ;P Your life happenings, even the smallest things always seem like such an ordeal (in a good way). I love it, and can't wait to be a part of it soon! muahhhahhaha (evil laugh)!

thanks for informing me about Google Earth!! I LOVE IT!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:44 AM   
nerd, never knew you had a blog :p you get a link now! *hint hint*

and zomg, i just redecorated (stuff from IKEA :D)! i love diy. waving the power drill around makes me feel manly. ROAR. need any holes in your wall for your shelves? :p

and yes, by eric cartman's balls, i do indeed own a uzap. it's primary function in my household is as a nifty back massager.
posted by Blogger nekomatta : 7:54 PM   

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