Unloading one man's crap onto the entire world...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Quick Update: Site Redesign

- Trashed by SampahMan @ 4:37 PM

Thanks for the comments on the bugs, owcs and Confabber. I've fixed the alignment where the date matches the profile. As for the heading not visible on IE7, it's probably cause I didn't specifically specify a default color. Perhaps I'll take a look at your screen when I'm debugging, Confabber :).

As for the rest, thanks for the compliments :) I'll try to make it better. As for it looking like a hospital/police station, well, erm, welcome to Hospital Sampah!

Some things for you guys to check is that I've implemented somewhat accessible, especially when it comes to text resizing. A lot of experimentation with "em" units, and I've probably got a hang of using it as well.

Also, also used some CSS that hides itself from IE6 and below. If you load this page in IE, you will not see the blue bullets on the navigation bar.

Kinda lazy to do the improvements I specified earlier. I blame it on XCOM: Enemy Unknown. You know, the first one with the Chrysallids and Ethereals. Still so addictive after so many years.

OK, back to work. Boss looking my way already.